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Who is the cult for mistranslating Romans 8:1?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:28 pm
by email
I have two questions. If the King James Bibles have been re-written as in the case of Romans 8:1 wouldn't that make them a mistranslation of the actual Word of God? And, couldn't the churches (institutions called churches and not the real church) that call the Seventh Day Adventist Church a "cult" be called cults themselves for calling the Sabbath Sunday instead of Saturday as in the tradition of the original Jewish Sabbath which is much more accurate?


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:47 am
by m273p15c
I apologize for the delay in responding. We have been flooded with correspondence lately, and it has taken some time to catch up.

You have asked two questions with which I am not entirely familiar:

I had never noticed that the KJV and NKJV inserts an extra phrase in Romans 8:1, which the other versions do not, and I am certainly not familiar with the textual case to argue for one or the other. Regardless, I do not see how the phrase affects any point of doctrine. Maybe I have not studied it closely? I have never seen someone make a unique case based on one version or the other.

True, one group is in error: Either, someone deleted or someone added. However, as a reader and student (not a translator), I am at peace with such discrepancies because they seem minor and irrelevant. Of course, you are free to enlighten me as to why this one is significant. ... I guess I am somewhat at a loss in trying to understand your exact point, because I have not encountered this before now.

About, the Sabbath, Sunday, and naming conventions, I am again not sure to your point. Whether some sect satisfies the definition of "cult" as defined by man is irrelevant to me. All that matters to me is whether or not we are satisfying God. Again, the label for the first day of the week, call it "Sunday" or anything else, is of little significance. I believe the key is that we worship Jesus on the first day of the week as proscribed in the Bible, regardless of what we name the day (Acts 20:7).

If you are concerned that we worship God on the last day, the Sabbath, instead of the first, then I would point you to the following discussion, lecture, and charts:
isot418.html (Scroll down and look for multiple lectures and charts on "Sabbath Observance" by Patrick Donahue.)
I look forward to your clarification on these points.

May God help us to have a sincere love of the truth,


Re: Questions

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:06 am
by email
Dear m273p15c,
When the King James scribes changed Romans 8:1 (read 8:1&2 in both the KJV and the NIV), they changed the Word of God. Get an Alfred Marshall Interlinear Greek/English New Testament. Read the KJV and then the Greek and then the NIV over and over and over. When you connect the original sentence to the second verse in the NIV version (which adheres to the original and oldest versions in Greek), your eyes will be opened believe me. Mine were. You cannot change the Word of God and have it be good. Satan guided the King James scribe or whoever decided to change that verse just as sure as Satan had man "decide" to change the Sabbath to Sunday instead of Saturday as it had been since the very first Sabbath. Another thing, if you don't know ask an "expert" you trust to tell you what was inside the ark of the covenant. Then connect the dots inside your head if you can. Bottom line is that God's commandments must be obeyed by Christians. Most so-called "Christians" treat God's precious gift (He and Jesus His son's major sacrifice) as nothing really. That doesn't bode well for these watered down versions of the original followers of Jesus. Jesus is coming back. It may be soon. It may be later. It doesn't really matter. We need to live in the here and now. For Christians that means ten important commands.The fourth being to honor the Sabbath. It doesn't show much honor if you don't even care to know about which day wasmade for that honor or for whom it was made for. The original Sabbath was observed on one day a week. That is a special day. And, it is NOT Sunday. Ask a Jew. Ask God. Ask Jesus. Ask God's HOLY Spirit. Ask somebody before you miss out on one of the most beautiful revelations a Christian can experience. If we have an issue with the Seventh Day Adventist Church's origins then we need to take the good (theoriginal Sabbath being on Saturday) from that religion and form our own which has it roots solely in Jesus and not in man. Regardless, we have to follow ALL of God's commandments to the letter including the fourth commandment. This is NOT legalism,this is fact if you want to enjoy the blessings of God. "Christians" who don'tobey God's commands don't please God in the least no matter if they"call" themselves Christians or not.

A follower of Jesus (just a simple follower as we have been from the beginning - not some kind of weird cult member or"new age" or false religion zealot).


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:52 am
by m273p15c
Thanks for the explanation. Regarding the Sabbath, I believe my thoughts are well summed up in the links given earlier. If you have any questions about the material you find there, please let me know.

May God help us to have a sincere love of the truth,
