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why you are not a calvinist

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:03 pm
by email
Just spent some time reading that small entry that was posted, probably a good while ago. I was just curious. Was that reflection supposed to be a parody or a joke? I am truly hoping it was. I say that because "calvinism" by itself is really not the point. But John Calvin's simple and imminently scriptural view of the power of God's truth and the immutable clarity of the truth of God's sovereignty is the core of all the believed and wrote about. If your article was sincere, I have to believe you have failed to read John Calvin's. If you had you probably would be reluctant to criticize. A thoughtful study of his writings in the view of a disciplined and thorough study of scripture would probably lead you to an appreciation for Calvin's crisp, reverential view of God and His precious Son and the character and dealings with us....beliver and non-believer alike. Your attacks against his positions are ill-informed and suggest more of a lack of scholarship than some spiritual flaw. Please spend additional time reading and studying scripture first.....then secondly re-read all that Calvin will see inargueable consistency.

why you are not a calvinist

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:37 pm
by m273p15c
Thanks for the inquiry. I appreciate your disdain for my article, which article was written with the utmost sincerity. Nonetheless, I would encourage you to read all the articles in the series, in which you will find several references to Calvin's writings. The one you read was just one form of conclusion. It was intended to provoke deep, fundamental thought, after contemplating the previously dissected errors of Calvinism. The index for the whole series can be found here: ... #calvinism

If you have a doctrinal objection based on Scripture, I would be happy to consider it. I am always happy to study God's Word with others, especially students, who like Jesus, value the souls of the lost (Luke 19:10), seek unity among believers in God (John 17:20-21), and care more about obeying God's Word than the traditions of men (Matthew 15:1-9).

May God help us to have a sincere love of truth (II Thessalonians 2:9-12),


Re: why you are not a calvinist

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:49 pm
by email

It is unfortunate that you took my sincere comments in a defensive mode. There is no distain (a very strong word, I may add) only respect for your right to hold divergent views. If my comments were interpreted as distain, permit me to encourage you to go back, re-read them as shared by another believer who believes you may be missing a key point in this Christian's (Calvin's) writings. My personal belief is that possibly your views are unecessarily harsh and could be construed to be splitting doctrinal hairs. (Who was John Calvin but a sinner saved by grace like yourself) But your beliefs on such possible hair splitting are between you and your Savior. I just find it unecessary to have leaders like yourself post critical pieces against another Christians in public. Note I am sending you this on one. Not in public. When you meet John Calvin in heaven perhaps you can apologize to him there.

Re: why you are not a calvinist

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:24 pm
by m273p15c
Thanks for clarifying your first note. Frankly, I have zero interests in Calvin's beliefs. I can do nothing to persuade, offend, save, or condemn him. His fate is sealed and in the Lord's hands, although I find his role in the martyrdom of Servetus to be intriguing and possibly telling.

My ultimate concern lies in correcting the error that is today associated with Calvin. I'll leave Calvin's true beliefs and actions up to God to judge and the academics to discuss. Whether the modern doctrine is or is not Calvin's teaching is beside the point. This current error perverts the plan of salvation, casting doubt on the salvation of those who follow it, and furthermore, whether recognized or not, the doctrine implies that God is unjust.

How? Do you believe baptism is commanded for the remission of sins (Acts 2:37-38; Romans 6:1-4; I Peter 3:21)? If I my assessment is correct, what hope does a disobedient soul have, since they have willfully disobeyed the command "for the remission of sins" according to the Bible? (If God chooses to save them anyway, that is His business, but I can only preach what is revealed.) Please recall that people who were incorrectly baptized required being baptized again for the correct reason (Acts 19:1-5); therefore, being baptized, for any other reason, is not sufficient. ... How do you explain God condemning children for the sins of their fathers? Yes, they sinned too, because of their depravity, but from whence did they receive this depravity? Not only is this transmission of guilt condemned by Scripture (Ezekiel 18), it disparages the fairness and justice of God as Judge! I could go on, but this discussion assumes the thing to be proven. What we really need to discuss, if you are open to it, is the tenets related to grace, justification, and salvation.

So, this is not just a matter of academics without practical implication. This doctrine permeates the very fiber of our soul and is exhibited in almost every action. One cannot even deliver the basic plan of salvation without determining an answer to this question. Ultimately, it may even cost one his soul. Keep in mind other false doctrines that were held in the NT brought condemnation to the adherent (requirement for circumcision produced "fallen from grace", Galatians 5:2-4; belief that the resurrection had passed produced a "shipwrecked faith"; II Timothy 2:17-18). If other false doctrines that perverted one's justification or hope could produce eternal condemnation, why not Calvinism?

Please do not be deceived or lulled into a false sense of security. This is no splitting of hairs. We are are battling for the salvation of souls, not to mention the unity of those who would wear the name of Christ, which is another cornerstone mission of all Christians (John 17:20-23; I Corinthians 1:10-13).

In my opinion, to discuss anything else besides the pressing issue of the requirements for salvation, as you and I might see it, would be either academic (II Timothy 2:14-16) or a matter of "getting the cart before the horse". If you would like to study the requirements for salvation according to the Bible, I will be happy to discuss it carefully and patiently with you.

May God help us to have open eyes and ears unto His truth,
