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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:09 pm
by email
I seem to be meeting people who attend churches that have their origen from John Calvin. These people have been telling me the Once saved always save teaching.I am aware this started in the15th century by John Calvin how do we teach that this is not what the Bible teaches ?
Who do I share with these people Can you give me scripture to help me.Also the Presbyterian church that my friend attends alsois against Israel and wants Jerusalem divided Joel 3:2 Thank you I just need help on how to teach that Calvin was false.

How to reach a Calvinist?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:06 am
by email
First thank you for your excellent teaching on Calvinism.I have found that many churches have at their core teaching and belief is calvinism.So I want to learn why anyone would beliee this.I have asked many of my friends who attend the Presbyterian and Reformed churches do they believe in Calvinism .Many said who is Calvin.They dont know him nor his teaching .So they attend a church and know knothing of the belief or teaching.I want to be able to share with them what their church believes. How do I answer this. ? many preachers say to me when I sak,,if a person who is a Christian falls into sin lets say Homosexuality and does not repent how can he not loose his salvation / They reply he was not saved in the first place. Also If a person is already saved or already going to hel befor he or she is born why do you have church and preach ?? What would they say to that and how do I respond? Thank you for your help. What Church does this site represent?


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:24 am
by m273p15c
Thanks for your good question about the doctrine commonly known as, "Once Saved, Always Saved". This doctrine is the 5th tenet of Calvinism, known as, "Perseverance of the Saints". The main idea being that true saints will endure or remain faithful to the end.

Just in case you have not found it already, we have several articles on Calvinism here: ... #calvinism

Several of our exchanges with anonymous Calvinists are recorded here:


We have an article focused on this doctrine, "Once Saved, Always Saved" or "Perseverance of the Saints", here: ... aints.html

About Joel 3:2 and Israel and Jerusalem being divided, this relates to a study of "end things", also known as, "eschatology". Often I encounter Calvinists, who also have distorted view of the final events. Many of these false concepts have been labeled as "Premillennialism". The central idea being that we are living in a time before a 1000 year period, in which Christ will literally reign in physical Jerusalem on David's throne. Generally, I do not have a chance to discuss this error with Calvinists, because in my judgment, salvation is a far more critical issue. Since we generally talk about salvation first, we rarely get to the topic of Premillennialism or eschatology. You may want to consider focusing on what you think is the most important topic? It may help everybody to focus, instead of feeling overwhelmed or spread thin.

I pray you find this helpful. Please let me know, if you have any more thoughts or feedback. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

May God help us to love truth,



Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:25 am
by m273p15c
Thanks for your additional good questions about Calvinism.
I have found that many churches have at their core teaching and belief is calvinism.So I want to learn why anyone would beliee this.
I believe most Calvinists would answer this question with something like, "Because the Bible teaches it!" :) However, since I believe the Bible teaches against Calvinism, I'll offer a couple of possibilities as to how this false doctrine permeates so many people's beliefs:
  1. Comfort - Calvinism is very comforting. If you are a Christian, then you are already eternally saved (*). You have nothing to worry about. There's nothing you can do to change the matter. (* Of course, in Calvinism, if you are not one of the elect, then you are a reprobate, who has only fooled herself. In which case, you will eventually fall away anyway, and again, you have nothing to worry about, since you can't do anything to change it anyway. :-) Most successful false doctrines persist because they somehow offer a license to sin. They soothe the conscience, while we act contrary to it (II Peter 2:18-19).
  2. Tradition - Many people simply follow in the footsteps of their loved ones, friends, or other respected people. It is a very dangerous basis for determining our ultimate course, and it is a frequent topic of warning in Scripture (Matthew 15:1-9; Luke 14:26-33). We must be careful not to blindly accept traditions. Instead, as Bible believers, we must look to God's Word as our final authority (II Timothy 3:16-17; II Timothy 2:14-18).
  3. Simplicity - The Bible speaks of "simple" people in Proverbs, who seem to be unaware and naive (Proverbs 14:15, 18; 1:1-4, 20-23; 8:1-6; 19:25; 22:3). We are all simple in some measure, but with good teaching, maturity, and wisdom, we learn better. However, while we remain "simple", we are easily deceived (Romans 16:18). The key is to grow as quickly as we can in the Lord and in His Word (Ephesians 4:13-15). Your friends may be where they are, simply because they never knew there was an alternative, much less seriously considered it.
Many said who is Calvin.They dont know him nor his teaching .So they attend a church and know knothing of the belief or teaching.I want to be able to share with them what their church believes. How do I answer this. ?
I would advise using a different approach. Calvinism is mentioned on our web-site, because so many people know it by that name, and they come looking for answers to that specific doctrine. However, as you have discovered, many people who believe the doctrines of John Calvin have never heard of him! (Again, this indicates belief based on tradition or simplicity.) Most people have not read the writings of John Calvin or Augustine, although they have unwittingly accepted their doctrines. So, I would not try to educate someone of Calvin's beliefs. That's not the critical issue. Plus, their personal beliefs are likely to be somewhat different than Calvin's beliefs. So, I would encourage you to focus on comparing their personal beliefs to the Bible teaching. You can ask leading questions, like: "Do you think we have free will?"; "What do you think we must do to be saved?"; and, "Do you think we can become lost after being saved?" If their answer does not match the Bible, then ask them what they think about passages that will correct them. (Please see our articles that I mentioned previously for a list of good verses to use.) But, don't worry about John Calvin. He is in God's hands. Our concern is you, me, and what we must do based on the Bible.
many preachers say to me when I sak,,if a person who is a Christian falls into sin lets say Homosexuality and does not repent how can he not loose his salvation / They reply he was not saved in the first place.
This is a very common response. The key is to find and use verses that clearly show that someone was saved - according to the Bible - and then fell away. As long as the judgment of salvation is made by men, then the Calvinist will escape saying, "But, they only appeared to be elect to men." "They were never really saved." However, if the Bible says they were saved, and then they fell away, the Calvinist cannot use that answer. If you read through the articles and forums links that I sent previously, I think you will find more verses, but here are a few: Hebrews 10:26-31; II Timothy 2:18; Galatians 5:4; 4:19; I Corinthians 9:27; 10:12; II Peter 2:19-22. Many of these verses show that the danger was real for saved people, or that truly saved people had fallen away. You may have to study the verses closely to bring this point out, but that is what is needed.
Also If a person is already saved or already going to hel befor he or she is born why do you have church and preach ?? What would they say to that and how do I respond?
Most likely, they will say something like, "God has not only preordained who will be saved (i.e., the elect), but He has also preordained the means (i.e., the preaching of the gospel)." Generally, I have not had good success with this line of questioning, because it seems to assume the Calvinist is independently thinking, open-minded, and objective. Maybe you will have better success than me? I pray so. However, in my limited experience, most well-informed Calvinists have already swallowed "bigger camels" than this one, so this generally does not slow them down much. Again, I am not saying that you could not use this line of reasoning. It's just not my personal choice. I try to focus on what I judge to be the fundamental tenets: God's unconditional election and man's depravity. Of course, if the other 3 tenets come up, then I will happily try to show how they contradict Scripture too. But, they seem to be build upon the first 2, and patient discussions seem to eventually end up there, so I try to start there. Again, this is just my choice, based on my limited experience.

Personally, if I find a chance to study the Bible with a Calvinist, I will ask some of the leading questions that I mentioned previously. If they answer contrary to Scripture, then I usually use one of the passages found in our series against TULIP, ask them to read or comment, and then take it from there. I try to stay as close to the Bible text as possible, because that is what their faith must be built upon (Romans 1:16; I Corinthians 2:1-5). If I do anything else, then I am merely attempting to swap one tradition for another, one charismatic human leader for another.
What Church does this site represent?
This site does not officially represent any church. It is a personal web-site devoted to proclaiming God's Word to the lost and to uniting those who wear the name of Christ. A handful of people help answer the correspondence beside myself. Personally, I attend a non-denominational church of Christ, where we strive to follow God's Word only. We try to have no creeds and follow no men, except Jesus and His Word (I Peter 4:11). We have several articles about the nature of Christ's church listed here: ... tml#church

I pray you find this helpful. Please let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

May God help us to have a sincere love of truth,


Re: Calvinism

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:17 pm
by email
Shalom ! After reading your response to me I appload your openess ,I as you, want only the truth. I have had bad experence with close minded members of the C of C so your outlook is refreshing.I do believe that the land contract and covenant by G-d to israel is binding todat and forever do to Scripture Gen 17 Forever means Forever and all those who would divide jerusalem are in trouble Obama as well Joel 3:2. Thank you for your comments. Shalom