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Should a Christian marry a divorcee?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:39 pm
by email
Should a Christian marry a divorcee?

Re: Should a Christian marry a divorcee?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:17 pm
by foc
email wrote:Should a Christian marry a divorcee?
Id say it depends.

Is this divorcee a believer with a believing ex spouse?
If so, unless there is reason to believe that the ex spouse isnt actually a true believer, such as ongoing harlotry, then I personally believe that if neither has remarried that Pauls words in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 shows these two believers to remain unmarried or reconcile.
No, I dont believe if they did remarry that they are going to hell, but I do believe that if neither has remarried someone else, then as followers of Christ they each should want to behave in such a manner as to be able to reconcile.

Is the divorcee a believer with an unbelieving ex (either by proclamation or by exposing themselves as such thru their ongoing covenant breaking even if they claimed to be a believer) ?
I dont believe there is any prohibition in this sort of circumstance for marrying this person when we apply relevant scriptures.

Is this divorcee an unbeliever and the person wanting to marry them a believer?
If so, scripture tells us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.
Obviously a preexisting marriage need not be ended if there is no just cause to, but new marriages shouldnt be contracted with nonbelievers be believers.
I personally believe this is for our benefit because being married to an unbeliever certainly might end up having its issues that are solely based on differences in religious views.

Id say more details would have to be known to make any sort of educated guess :)