Thank you for articles on instrumental music

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Thank you for articles on instrumental music

Post by email » Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:46 pm

greetings from norway
lately I have been praying for some more wisdom in the music-forms many uses today! I grew up in a wery little brotherhood (lutherans), where we did sing the good old simple songs. the later years I have wondered if there is anything wrong to sing songs for God with a band playing on a scene. I do feel its wrong but on the same time I feel "good". my hearth tells me its wrong to play the same music as the world,(spesially in front of a scene and singers)because the lord said we should not be like them.
So I prayed for more wisdom. asking different people turned out I got only theyr personal toughts. but tonight I found this side, and I feel you provide good information, info that I find support for in the bible and my heart.
just want to say thankyou and really sorry for my bad english! :-)
Have a nice day
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Post by m273p15c » Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:57 pm

It is great to hear from you! Your words of encouragement from Norway are warming. Thank you!

Your English is welcome here any time, because I assure you, my Norwegian is MUCH worse! :D

I'm glad to hear that the web-site was helpful. If you have any other thoughts, concerns, feedback, or questions, please let me know, because I would be glad to hear them too.

May God help us to have a sincere love of truth,

May God help us to love truth sincerely and supremely (II Thessalonians 2:11-12)

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