Inquiry in Reference To: [url=][/url]
May I reproduce your work in print form for our church? Do you mind if I change the Bible quotations to the KJV so we can follow along as well?
Use Of Materials
Moderator: grand_puba
Use Of Materials
The above presented views do not necessarily represent any specific individual, registered on this forum or otherwise.
Who is "email"?
Who is "email"?
Use Of Materials
The article on Romans 9 resides in the public domain, as does almost all of the "In Search of Truth" web-site. Feel free to reprint and adjust how you wish.
I would request that you post a link back to the original, and that you would describe any changes you made for transparency's and reference's sake, but I have no way to enforce, demand, or validate this. You are on your honor.
I would request that you post a link back to the original, and that you would describe any changes you made for transparency's and reference's sake, but I have no way to enforce, demand, or validate this. You are on your honor.

May God help us to love truth sincerely and supremely (II Thessalonians 2:11-12)