the order in evolution is different than in the bible in the following areas (note the indisputable "this before that" reversals):
- Bible: Ocean before land (Gen. 1:2)
- Evolution: Land before oceans.
- Bible: First life on land (Genesis 1:11)
- Evolution: Life began in the oceans.
- Bible: First life was land plants (Genesis 1:11)
- Evolution: Marine organisms evolved first.
- Bible: Earth before sun and stars (Gen. 1:14-19)
- Evolution: Sun and stars before earth.
- Bible: Fruit trees before fishes (Gen. 1:11)
- Evolution: Fishers before fruit trees.
- Bible: Birds and fished created on the fifth day (Gen. 1:20, 21)
- Evolution: Fishes evolved hundreds of millions of years before birds appeared.
- Bible: Birds before insects (Gen. 1:20, 21)
- Evolution: Insects before birds.
- Bible: Whales before reptiles (Gen. 1:20-31)
- Evolution: Reptiles before whales.
- Bible: Birds before reptiles (Gen. 1:20-32)
- Evolution: Reptiles before birds.
- Bible: Man before rain (Gen. 2:5)
- Evolution: Rain before man.
- Bible: Light before sun (Gene. 2:21-22)
- Evolution: Sun before any light.
- Bible: Plants before the sun (Gen. 1:11-19)
- Evolution: Sun before any plants.
- Bible: Man's sin the cause of death (Rom. 5:12)
- Evolution: Struggle and death existent long before evolution of man.