The Prov. 24:27 Passage, I believe the key word is "forethought"! Related passages would be Pr 6:6-8; 22:3 (RV); and even Lk 12:33 & 14:28.
How is FORETHOUGHT a central part or theme of the Prov. 24:27 passage? If one has acquired a plot of land (in whatever way) and it is to provide for both a home / shelter and a living, then if it is planting time then the time to prepare and plant crops or fence the property for livestock or acquire a herd is relatively short and should be done to assure food for the coming harvest when it would be coming in. While the crops are growing a shelter / home can be prepared during the growing season. Otherwise, if one fails to plant and has nothing at harvest then he would have to resort to starving / begging until the next harvest the next year.
meaning of Proverbs 24:27
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