age of accountability, responsibility for baptism
Moderator: grand_puba
age of accountability, responsibility for baptism
At what age is a child not responsible for his/her sin, reason be parent always tell children that they are not ready to be baptize
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Re: The importance of Baptism
Thanks for visiting This is in response to your question about what age a child is responsible for his/her sin.
This is not an easy question because I can't go to the scriptures and give you passages that directly address the subject. Some have said that the age of 12 is a good standard because Jesus went to the temple at the age of 12 according to Luke 2:42. However, the "age of accountability" is different for each person.
Regarding Jesus and the 12 years old, Deuteronomy 16:16 says, "Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord God at the place He will choose." The question is, "when did a boy become a man?" There is not an Old Testament law which names a specific age when a boy could go to the temple. Matthew Henry says that at age 12 a boy was to begin to participate in the fasting and at age 13 he was called "a child of the commandment." The Pulpit commentary says that at age 10 a boy began studying the Mishna, a collection of traditional interpretations of the Law, and at age 13 he first wore phylacteries. What all of this may mean is that Luke 2:42 gives us some idea of when Jesus was old enough for special privileges at the temple. Don't over estimate the importance of that but it does give us something to consider.
Some psychologists say that abstract thinking begins about age 12. Abstract differs from the concrete. Concrete words deal with what can be known by the physical senses. Abstract terms are not known by touch, taste, etc. Such concepts as salvation, condemnation, commitment, faith, hope, grace, and love are abstract terms. Eccl. 12:1 warns, "Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, I find no pleasure in them." Some are baptized when they are too young, but some wait too long.
I have seen some baptized at a little under 10 who I thought were old enough. Others I've known were probably not ready before 12. Parents are the best judges of how mature their children are. Each person matures at his or her own rate. Of course, when it is determined that one is old enough, he/she must believe(Mk.16:16), repent(Luke 13:3), confess(Mt. 10:32) and be baptized(Acts 2:38).
I hope this is of some help to you.
This is not an easy question because I can't go to the scriptures and give you passages that directly address the subject. Some have said that the age of 12 is a good standard because Jesus went to the temple at the age of 12 according to Luke 2:42. However, the "age of accountability" is different for each person.
Regarding Jesus and the 12 years old, Deuteronomy 16:16 says, "Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord God at the place He will choose." The question is, "when did a boy become a man?" There is not an Old Testament law which names a specific age when a boy could go to the temple. Matthew Henry says that at age 12 a boy was to begin to participate in the fasting and at age 13 he was called "a child of the commandment." The Pulpit commentary says that at age 10 a boy began studying the Mishna, a collection of traditional interpretations of the Law, and at age 13 he first wore phylacteries. What all of this may mean is that Luke 2:42 gives us some idea of when Jesus was old enough for special privileges at the temple. Don't over estimate the importance of that but it does give us something to consider.
Some psychologists say that abstract thinking begins about age 12. Abstract differs from the concrete. Concrete words deal with what can be known by the physical senses. Abstract terms are not known by touch, taste, etc. Such concepts as salvation, condemnation, commitment, faith, hope, grace, and love are abstract terms. Eccl. 12:1 warns, "Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, I find no pleasure in them." Some are baptized when they are too young, but some wait too long.
I have seen some baptized at a little under 10 who I thought were old enough. Others I've known were probably not ready before 12. Parents are the best judges of how mature their children are. Each person matures at his or her own rate. Of course, when it is determined that one is old enough, he/she must believe(Mk.16:16), repent(Luke 13:3), confess(Mt. 10:32) and be baptized(Acts 2:38).
I hope this is of some help to you.