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discouraged because of so many turning away from God

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:24 pm
by email
So many of my friends and people I know are going the wrong direction. It makes me suspicious of almost everyone; like I have to knit-pick everything they say to determine their true intent. I probably focus too much on people who are going astray. But I trust you. Not that I don't compare what you say with Scripture, but I know without a doubt that you are just wanting to serve the Lord and I don't feel the need to probe for some hidden agenda. It's such a comfort to me to have people like that. I'm thankful to have several friends my age that I can have the same level of trust in, and for those who are a little older who have more wisdom and experience. I don't want to become a bitter, cynical person and its people like you who keep my faith and hope in people alive. I cannot thank you enough. Please never lead me wrong, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who looks up to you. I'd appreciate prayers that I'll learn to see people the way Jesus sees them; not through some sort of jaded viewpoint but through love and wisdom.

Re: overcoming discouragement

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:24 pm
by m273p15c
Thanks. You have paid me a high-compliment, and I appreciate it, although I am sure I am not worthy of it.

The key, I believe, is not to focus on any one individual, except Christ. I think Jesus demonstrated the proper attitude most saliently in the case of the rich young ruler. Putting the texts together, Jesus reaction to him is, "He looked at him ... loved him ... and said ...". We need to carefully analyze those with whom we interact out of love for them. Also, from this we learn that love says what needs to be said - at all costs. It is a selfish love that desires the relationship more than the other's salvation. So, prepare yourself (as you already have done and are doing, Ezra 7:10; Matthew 7:1-3; II Timothy 2:15); look carefully at what people say; give them the benefit of the doubt (I Corinthians 13:4-7); but it also never hurts to ask questions humbly to eliminate doubt; and then say what they need to hear, just as Jesus did. Maintain humility always - in your heart and tongue - just as you are already doing (James 4:6-10; Proverbs 15:1)! Wisdom begins in part by recognizing that we are ever children (I Kings 3:7-10).

I remember being younger and not wanting to turn into a bitter, old, cynic, who saw a hardened false-teacher behind every comment or question. Certainly, some valiant soldiers in truth become jaded after many wars. Just the little bit of experience I have accumulated has introduced me to enough arguments for error that I find myself recognizing error where others don't yet recognize it. (I'm confident and hope they will see it in time too.) Like all struggles, frequent struggles with the same opponent will teach you his "moves". However, I have also found that frequent disappointments in others - as well as self - bring a constant challenge to maintain hope. These two factors - experience and disappointments - cause the old warrior to be misjudged and sometimes rightly judged at the same time.

Remembering my own failures and naiveness helps me to be patient and merciful with others, and above all, remembering the price paid and that the world still stands also helps me to hope, because the Lord Himself lets the world stand in His hope at His mercy (Romans 8:18-21). And, He is too knowledgeable and too wise to blindly hope in error. If we are still here, then there is still some people left to influence for good (I Kings 19:18)! It may be a "lurker" reading our Facebook posts, whom we never know is even there. It may be someone watching us stand up and resist the Devil that is emboldened to do the same (Philippians 1:12-14). It may be that we are serving a generation that we will never know this side of eternity, who is reading what we write right now - maybe even in another country! Regardless, we serve the Lord, and He's clearly not done with this world. So, we have hope and work to do! So, take joy in life (Ecclesiastes 2:26; 3:12-13; 5:18-20; 7:14; 8:15; 9:7-10), but whenever you touch on serious things - as you rightly and frequently do, write not just for the benefit of the other person, but for the silent reader, and the generation to come. Write and speak for history.
Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, For you do not know what evil will be on the earth. (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2)
Some day, you'll meet them, and they'll thank you - maybe even help you, and you can praise the Lord together!

I have a feeling I'm telling you what you already know. :) ... Thanks for the encouragement and admonition! Hang in there! You are doing a great work! And, I praise the Lord for it and you. May the Lord be praised in all things!

God bless,


Re: overcoming discouragement

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:39 pm
by email
Amen! Thank you for that; I'll be looking back at this frequently I think.

Re: overcoming discouragement

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:48 pm
by m273p15c
You are more than welcome! :)